2020 Election Integrity Misdirection

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from The Gray Area:

Below is a re-post from April 11th.

The outlook for our November election is not good. We are seeing continuous voter integrity issues almost every day now. NYC election still undecided a month later. NJ, Wisconsin, Pa, Maryland, indicted Democrat politicians, just to mention a few states with election fiasco’s and voter roll cleanup needed.

With all this as a backdrop, the main media discussion about the November election is that Joe Biden will win and, if so, will President Trump leave office when he loses the election.

This all appears to be setting up for a very ugly, and contested 2020 Presidential election day in November no matter who wins. This will be due to disputed vote totals, primarily from mail in ballots, COVID limitations in getting safely to the polls, race protests continuing in the streets will limit turnout, accusations of foreign interference again like in 2016, accusations of Trump using federal agents to quell protests is a trial run for voter intimidation, voter fraud and dealing with polling expectations that Biden was going to win by double digits! Unless there is a landslide victory for Biden or Trump, having a winner announced and accepted will most likely not happen on Election day.

This pattern is a continuation of that seen earlier this year.

from The Gray Area:

Once again the news media and the Democrats attempt to discount issues they do not like. Today it is voter fraud.

The Washington Post yesterday ran the following headline, Trump once again misleads with bogus claims of voter fraud. In the face of overwhelming evidence of continuous voter fraud from every state in this country, Dems & the media try to make you believe it is a conspiracy theory, pushed by the Republicans to suppress voter access, usually associated with race. When you read or hear this stuff you think you are listening to news from 60 years ago, because that is as close to our current time as you can find any voter suppression taking place. And, that was done by Democrats!

This is the political narrative being pushed, too successfully I might add, and, it is not the truth. Laughable if it wasn’t so sinister and dangerous to our republic.

If you can’t beat Donald Trump in an election, misdirect the public’s attention. It’s the Wizard of Oz strategy – ignore the man behind the curtain. The Democrats know and some even say, ‘if we can’t impeach him, he will win in 2020’. Since impeachment didn’t work, they have to do something, anything to try to impact that result. Creating doubt on the credibility of our elections is a good way to misdirect attention from losing an election. They did it in 2000 and 2016. watch for the same thing in 2020. The Russia hoax was mentioned adnauseum in the impeachment trial by Adam Schiff. He already wants you to believe we can’t trust the 2020 election results. It’s not voter fraud they say, its Russian interference. In the meantime, the reality is voter fraud. And the irony is that if the Dems get their way with mail-in ballots, no ID, illegal immigrant voting, even technological solutions that failed for them in Nevada and Iowa primaries, outsiders like the Russians may, for the first time, get the opportunity to actually affect election results!

Who is really trying to unethically and illegally impact the 2020 election? Democrats, social media, tech companies and the media. With all their activity, shadow banning of social media, censorship of right wing commentary, planned voting irregularities (Bloomberg paying people to mail and collect absentee ballots, California ‘ballot harvesting’ to be expanded, election day is not election day anymore, voting outside your precinct, convicted felons and illegal immigrants to vote, 1.5M identified people who are registered to vote in multiple states, etc), this election will have more stories about voting irregularities and votes affected than any in our history. Who would want to do this? Only those who are interested in ‘fundamentally’ changing this country. So instead they say that none of the above is happening, including fraud.

Iowa’s Caucus Failure Is A Glimpse Into Our (Near) Future

Wisconsin’s Warning for the November Election

Watch for this in 2020

Voter fraud is real. Russia meddling in our elections has been real for 70+ years. Russia changing votes in our elections is not true. Republicans who want voter ID and clean elections are racists who don’t want black and poor people to vote is also not true. Misdirecting our attention a Democrats & media strategy for confusing us on what is and is not true.

Free & honest elections are something we have all been able to depend on in America. The ability to vote our leaders in and out keeps us free. This is becoming less and less likely to continue.

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