Laughable, if it wasn’t so sinister

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from The Gray Area:

The Democrats & their media allies are again on a Russia headline. Re surfacing the 2016 line, Russia is now affecting the next election, 2020. And dong it to get Trump re-elected.

Ha, ha, ha, ha,ha, ha, ha, ha ….LMAO…  … … .. .. . . .  OK.

Now, lets look at a few facts, some analysis and the ‘sinister’ issues:
1. Russia tries constantly. Russia has been trying to impact every American election (local, state, national, presidential) since 1946. Democrats should be embarrassed they are only now concerned about something that is not new.
2. Romney 2012. They should be further embarrassed by the Russia subject since Obama poo-pooed the idea in a debate with Romney when he told Obama that Russia was a foreign policy problem. Obama’s response, ‘the 1980s want their foreign policy back’. Within 2 years Russia invaded Crimea and Obama did nothing. Ouch, hurts to miss that one after you were alerted to it by a (ooh..) a Republican.
3. Mueller Probe. Already tried this BS with the Democrats loss in 2016. Their 13 lawyers and Robert Mueller could not even manufacture anything to prove Trump colluded.
4. Russia wants Trump, really? Now use your common sense for a minute. The Democrats & the media don’t want you to do this, but don’t give up your innate ability to sniff out BS. A pro-American, defense spending, America first trade hawk and anti-socialist/communist, that is who Russia wants as President? He is going to be some ‘Russian puppet’ or ‘Russian agent’? Please. The Russians get their way now and historically, when weak kneed, defense reduction legislatures, America is to blame snowflakes, and fearful of confrontation leaders are in charge in America. See number 2 above, plus former SOS Hillary Clinton’s tenure. This just does not come close to passing the sniff test. Now, what does Russia usually want from their interference – American in chaos.  For that reason, thy could certainly want more Trump, because it drives the left crazy and creates chaos. They will eventually try to push discord with Trump and whomever his Democrat opponent is, just like they did in 2016. Speaking of which, Bernie is a more likely candidate for Russia’s affection, for obvious communist reasons.
5. Misdirect attention. If you can’t beat Donald Trump in an election, misdirect the public’s attention. It’s the Wizard of Oz strategy –  ignore the man behind the curtain. The Democrats know and some even say, ‘if we can’t impeach him, he will win in 2020’. So they have to do something, anything to try to impact that result.  Creating doubt in the credibility of our elections is a good way to misdirect attention.  They did it in 2000 and 2016.  They like the ‘count every vote’ meme. See 10 below.
6. Impeachment failed. It was mentioned adnauseum in the impeachment trial by Schiff that we can’t trust the 2020 election results.  Easy to see what was coming next.
7. What next? Let’s spin up Russia again in the 2020 elections. The New York Times report said 5 people briefed on this intelligence ‘leaked it’ to them. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ….. Haven’t we seen this movie before a couple of times? Anyone doubt the existence of the ‘deep state’ now?
8. Timing. Why now, 9 months ahead of the 2020 election. The briefing was last week, so, The New York Times has had this info for at least a week. After the debacle of the Democrat debate, with, for the first time including Michael Bloomberg and thus a large audience, it iwa necessary to take that subject off the front pages. The same play has been used by Dems & the media for decades and regularly to defeat Trump the past 3 years. And, this won’t be the last. But, this story, if played right, can last the rest of the year in parallel to other stories yet to come, and into Trump’s second term.
9. Media. The media is coming out on time and in step to promote, hype & spin the headline. See below just from a few today, and listen to the language used by these supposed competitors – exactly the same:

10. Who is really trying to unethically and illegally impact the 2020 election? Democrats, tech companies and the media. With all the hoax activity mentioned above, and more, plus shadow banning of social media, censorship of right wing commentary, planned voting irregularities (Bloomberg paying people to mail and collect absentee ballots, California ‘ballot harvesting’ to be expanded, convicted felons and illegal immigrants to vote, 1.5M identified people who are registered to vote in multiple states, etc), this election will have more stories about voting irregularities and votes affected than any in our history. Who would want to do this?  Only those interested in ‘fundamentally’ changing this country.