NEIGHBOR AGAINST NEIGHBOR: Social Networking App Boots Moms for Liberty Amid Leftist Attacks
The social networking platform Nextdoor bills itself as an app to bring neighbors together, claiming that “connecting with others is a universal human need,” but it relies upon the Southern Poverty Law Center, a far-left smear factory, to determine which groups are too “hateful” to be good neighbors.
Nextdoor recently banned a Tennessee chapter of the concerned parents group Moms for Liberty after neighbors reportedly complained about the group being on the site. The ban took place exactly one week after the SPLC put Moms for Liberty—including the Hamilton County, Tennessee, chapter—on a “hate map,” along with chapters of the Ku Klux Klan. “As a mom and former teacher in the community who cares deeply about the future of our children, I think it is ironic that a company that aims to bring communities together has targeted a large group of our community members by canceling us. We cannot communicate with our community,” Tonya Dodd, chapter chair of the Hamilton County Moms for Liberty, told The Daily Signal. “They canceled us using the list from SPLC, which falsely suggests we belong among truly hateful and terror groups like the KKK,” Dodd added. “That’s the exact opposite of what we truly are.”
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