Countries (and states) That Ban Islam
from The Gray Area:
email circulating widely profess the expanding view of many countries that Islam, and specifically Sharia law, are not welcome. Is this true or just some hoax?
We did a little investigation.
Below are 13 countries (in no particular order), plus 21 states in the USA, that we could verify are concerned enough about Islamic radicals to have banned Islam (in some fashion) in their country.
Denmark reject UN demands ‘to help European countries’ by taking in more refugees.
China Bans Islam And Says It Does Not Give A Darn To All The Cry Babies Who Complain
Another African country bans Islamic veil for women over terror attacks; Chad, Congo-Brazzaville
France was the first European country to ban the full-face Islamic veil in public places.
Cuba's communist government has turned down a plan to open a mosque in the capital.
Germany banned all activities of the Islamic State militant group in the country. German court ends ban on Islamic headscarves for teachers
Austria passes law requiring imams to speak German
Now the Netherlands bans Islamic veil
UK. Ramadan ban part of UK’s profiling of Muslim kids
Pew Research Center publishes findings on European attitudes towards migrants and Muslims
United States. These 16 (21) States Are Trying To Ban Sharia Law. Alabama joined Arizona, Kansas, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Dakota and Tennessee with similar foreign law bans. Other states considering similar bans include Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia and Wyoming.