About Us

The GRAY Area is an aggregator of political news that uniquely identifies the left & right political perspective of every major (and some not so major) news organization while simultaneously offering news and commentary in the political center (The GRAY Area), as determined by TGA.

Our Mission is threefold:

1. To identify for our readers the political leanings of the news sources currently available to the public. (See the bottom of every page)

2. To provide relevant political information and opinion from hundreds of sources sorted by important issues of the day and the political leanings of the news source.

3. To aid our readers in developing a quick, yet accurate view of important political issues of the day using multiple credible sources from both the left & right political perspectives.

Without the knowledge from all the above, an accurate political viewpoint on the issues is virtually impossible. We believe data formatted and presented in this manner is unavailable anywhere else.


In the second decade of the 21st century, we all have access to more information than we can possibly keep up with given the many and varied information sources available from TV, radio, the internet and surviving newspapers and magazines. This mass of information dispersed widely makes it hard to identify relevant & credible information in the clutter.

There are two strong political ideologies (left & right) controlling the political dialogue in this country. Spin from the left and right are presented as mainstream information and what was formerly mainstream, balanced & unbiased information sources have changed or evolved their format to the point that they are targeting specific messages to gain specific audiences. Thereby these news sources are creating bias which is most times unidentifiable and unfortunately not completely truthful or presented with perspective that the reader/viewer/listener requires and expects. Shockingly, sometimes this bias is purposely camouflaged from the consumer.

So where do you get unbiased credible information?

Unfortunately, there is not one source for that information any more. You could watch early TV icons like Walter Cronkite or Huntley & Brinkley or listen to most any radio station and get credible, reliable, primarily unbiased information for 30 minutes every day. Historically, news formats and structure clearly separated “commentary” from news reporting, so that you could easily factor in how to understand the news as presented from what source. No more is this possible without investing more time than anyone has available. Thus, people today need a place where they can get the news from all sides, identified as to the leftright position they take and compare those issues to positions taken by the other side. The GRAY Area presents both and all sides so that readers may see those sides accurately, be better informed and make up their own mind.

Where is the “correct” position?

In our polarized society, these strong messages on both sides overpower the ability of people with limited time to evaluate issues to find a center, compromise or reasonable position to match their own. Especially when each side is also saying they offer the center, compromise position, whether they do or not. We will also attempt to identify that center compromise position, which gets lost in all the noise presented.

There are some who say that a center or compromise position is not what is needed today, just the correct position.

At The GRAY Area you will find the left’s position, the right’s position and The GRAY Area’s position. The center, The GRAY Area column, will offer either our own selection of the center, best or compromise position on that issue. Or, it may be The GRAY Area’s view of the correct position on that issue, which may not be a compromise at all.

How to use The GRAY Area site

Logistically on the The Gray Area site you will find the left‘s position under the left, blue column, the right’s position under the right, red column and The GRAY Area in the gray, center column. On the bottom of every page you will find a link for every major news organization listed on the left or right depending on their political leaning. On the HOME page you will see the biggest issues of the day in the two rows of grey issues tabs near the top, highlighted stories “in the news“, “featured posts“, plus Twitter and Facebook feeds.

Next you can select an issue important to you and just hover over that issue tab and you will see sub categories filed under that issue as well. Click on the issue or sub category for which you are searching for news and insight and read the LR-TGA debate of that issue. You can move to other issues just as easily.

You might find the “Political Spectrum” category under “2020 Elections” to be a good place to start if you are unsure as to the leftright political definitions and positioning. In addition, a 365 days link will enable the reader to follow all the relevant news reported on that issue chronologically for the past year. Using this feature, you can read for yourself as much as you want on all the news chronologically on any issue with media source and bias identified and you can make up your own mind.

We don’t feel this is provided in any other source and hope it helps during the important 2020 election season and beyond.