Watch for this in 2020!


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from The Gray Area:

This episode of voter misinformation, manipulation and fraud run by the Democrat party you must assume is just market testing of a concept they will run in the presidential race in 2020. Watch for it!

RUSH: This false flag operation in Alabama, here are the details of this — and to me, it is important, because it blows up so many things the left has been attempting to establish. Now, the guy behind it, the money behind it is a guy named Reid Hoffman. He is a Silicon Valley tech billionaire. He is the co-founder of LinkedIn. He was one of the early investors in Facebook. He “was behind a six-figure misinformation campaign that involved falsely linking Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore to Russian-influence operations during Alabama’s December 2017 special election.”

So essentially what happened here is a left-wing billionaire gave $100,000 to an online misinformation campaign that mimicked Russian interference operations. In other words, this guy from Silicon Valley working against Roy Moore — and it wouldn’t have mattered who. They would have done this anyway. It was a test-market kind of thing. They were testing this for future operations, and the media totally fell for it. In fact, I think a New York Times reporter actually spoke at one of this group’s gatherings here to participate in the so-called findings.

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