A three-for?


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from The Gray Area:
9/19/24; updated 9/20/24:

We don’t know yet what is true and untrue about the latest news regarding the Republican candidate for Governor, Mark Robinson. What we do know is that the radical left, the Democrat Party, and the ‘mass’ media do not like Mark Robinson.


Because he is black, successful, Republican, and does not agree with the Marxist agenda of the left. All black Republicans, who do not agree with radical left ideology, and who support the founding principles of the US Constitution, are the most damaging personalities to the left. This conservative thinking destroys the Democrat hold on black American voters. Mr. Robinson is described in this story using political narratives like; the controversial and socially conservative Republican nominee for governor .

Given these facts, it is easy to assume the radical left, Democrat party and its media allies are simply attempting to damage the black individuals on the right. Mr Robinson is not the first and will not be the last. The current list includes Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, brain surgeon Dr.Ben Carson, and many others.

In addition, these allegations are an opportunity to negatively impact Mr. Robinson’s candidacy for Governor. The Democrat Party is focused on converting the state of North Carolina from a red to a blue state. So, this becomes a two-for. One, damaging a conservative black man will help disincentivize other black men from moving over to the conservative side. And, two, it may help the Democrat candidate for Governor in the conservative state of NC.

And, today this headline in the Washington Post: Mark Robinson is a Trump problem of Trump’s own making. So maybe a three-for.

But, it is still possible that Mr. Robinson did these things and that is disgusting to every decent American. Though not necessarily disgusting to the radical left who are attacking him. The radical left actually support the transgender activity that Mr. Robinson is supposed to have been a fan of. So, why attack him? Because they need him out, not because they do not want people becoming fans of transgender porn.

Mr. Robinson has denied these accusations and will not remove himself from the Gubernatorial race in NC. Unless something changes, that will leave the question up to the people of NC.

Where do these type of allegations and apparent supporting documents come from?

To do this work takes money, lots of money. Billions and trillions of dollars have been distributed in the past 4 years to programs, government agencies and NGOs with little or no tracking. It finds its way into political groups to do the work of the political parties. Republican candidates (especially blacks & hispanics), Donald Trump, Supreme Court Justices, and others, are the political targets. These things cannot be uncovered and presented as an October surprise without money invested well in advance.

Whether any allegations are true or false is unimportant to those seeking these details. Harming the opposition is the primary concern.

It remains to the seen whether or not these allegations are true for Mr. Robinson and if the citizens of NC care.

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