35 bills next week to combat the threat from China

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from Heritage Action,

As we have long said, passing legislation to take on China should be a top priority for this Congress. The House is slated to take up more than 35 bills next week to do just that. Several bills will be an important part of combatting the growing threat from China, but a few of the most meaningful are highlighted below:

H.R. 8333 – BIOSECURE Act – Prohibits heads of executive agencies from procurement or contracting with certain biotechnology companies with ties to China
H.R. 2864 – Countering CCP Drones Act – Prevents certain new telecommunications or video surveillance equipment (i.e. drones) from being marketed, sold, or operated in the US.
H.R. 8361 — Economic Espionage Prevention Act – Authorizes sanctions against foreign adversary entities that engage in economic espionage against U.S. persons, support to foreign adversaries military or intelligence services, or the violation of U.S. export control laws.
H.R. 8152 – Remote Access Security Act – Allows for issuance of licenses and imposing penalties on exporters of technology that could be accessed over a network connection between foreign and U.S. entities, such as a cloud computing service.

However, the bills announced so far don’t include necessary efforts to curtail investment in China’s military and end China’s exploitation of trade loopholes. We will continue to advocate for their advancement. As this work continues, check out a recent piece from The Heritage Foundation on the need to bring back President Trump’s China policies.