Ensure only American citizens can vote


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from Heritage Action,

The SAVE Act is a common-sense, bipartisan bill that ensures only American citizens can vote in American elections. While it is already illegal for non-citizens to vote, many states are not required to enforce the law. .

Heritage Action Executive Vice President Ryan Walker appeared on the Heritage Explains podcast to talk about the need for the SAVE Act.

In many states, driver’s licenses are accepted as proof of citizenship to vote, but proof of citizenship is not required to attain a driver’s license. The SAVE Act would close these loopholes and make the electoral process more secure. But Democrats don’t want this to be the case. Democrats want to allow illegal immigrants to vote. Nancy Pelosi herself admitted as much:

If Democrats want illegal immigrants and other non-citizens to vote, they should have to explain that to the American people. Republicans must remain united in support of election integrity.