Bidenomics = Kamalanomics

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from Heritage Action,

The Biden-Harris economy continues to fall on its face. Inflation is emptying wallets, the national debt is soaring, and job growth is lagging.

While the Biden-Harris administration bragged about the growth in jobs, Americans were puzzled, wondering why they didn’t feel the benefits of a “growing” economy. Unfortunately, that job growth turned out to be exaggerated by nearly 1,000,000 jobs.

Earlier this week, the Bureau of Labor Statistics revised its reported job creation numbers, admitting it had overestimated by 818,000 jobs. Month after month, the Biden-Harris administration and their friends in the media bragged about Biden’s booming economy—which turned out to be a sham.

Is this what Harris meant when she said “Bidenomics is working.”? Bidenomics works about as well as a square wheel, and Kamalanomics would be even worse.

Harris has already proposed demonstrably disastrous policies. Last week, she indicated that she’d be in favor of fixing the price of groceries. Price controls have been implemented before in various countries across various industries and they always result in the same thing: Shortages.

As EJ Antoni of the Heritage Foundation explained, “We had gas lines in the 1970s, and now she’s talking not about regulating the price of fuel, but regulating the price of food. So, instead of gas lines, we’re going to have bread lines. This is absolutely insane…”

Harris claims that the rising prices in food is due to corporate greed and price gouging, and not by the inflation caused by excessive federal spending—or the increase in energy costs caused by her “green” energy push.