Fact-checking Kamala Harris at the Democratic convention on Day 4

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from The Washington Post,


“We are not going back to when Donald Trump tried to cut Social Security and Medicare.”

This is mostly false.

“He doesn’t actually fight for the middle class. Instead, he fights for himself and his billionaire friends, and he will give them another round of tax breaks that will add up to $5 trillion to the national debt.”

The numbers don’t tell the whole story.

“He intends to enact what, in effect, is a national sales tax. Call it a Trump tax that would raise prices on middle class families by almost $4,000 a year.”

This is a high estimate.

“As commander in chief, I will ensure America always has the strongest, most lethal fighting force in the world.”

Biden proposed spending reductions.

“He encouraged [Russian President Vladimir] Putin to invade our allies, said Russia could, quote, do whatever the hell they want.”

This needs context.

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