Republicans Better Get on the Ball

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by Thomas Sowell,

from The Wall Street Journal,

They haven’t made the case against Harris. The clock is ticking.

If the Republicans lose this year’s election—against an administration whose policies have been rejected by the public in poll after poll—they will deserve to lose.

But do 330 million Americans deserve to see their lives ruined by another four years of the Democrats’ economic disasters and unchecked violence by both domestic and imported criminals?

Does America deserve more tragic military fiascoes like that in Afghanistan? Or like allowing a spy balloon from China to photograph our military installations from coast to coast, before finally being shot down, after it was too late?

And these are the people who are telling Israel how to fight a war.

Against this background, why is this election even close? Some Republicans may say that it is because the media are on the side of the Democrats and suppress or distort the facts accordingly. Others may say that the universities have become indoctrination centers, promoting the kind of ideologies that favor the Democrats’ agenda.

But, even if we concede all that, the fact is that a similar situation existed back in the days when Ronald Reagan won two consecutive presidential elections by landslides. How did he do it?

He did it by addressing the voting public as if they were adults who could understand an issue—if you explained it to them in plain English, instead of in political jargon or snappy quips.

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