Texas AG Opens Investigation into Reports of Organizations Possibly Registering Illegal Immigrants to Vote

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from Breitbart,

Republican Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is opening an investigation into reports of organizations possibly registering illegal immigrants to vote in the state.

The investigation is detailed in a press release that came out on Wednesday, explaining that investigators from the Texas Attorney General’s Election Integrity Unit “recently conducted undercover operations to identify potential voter registration of noncitizens in Texas” and found that some nonprofit organizations “have been located outside Texas Department of Public Safety [DPS] Driver License offices, operating booths offering to assist in voter registration for persons doing business at the driver’s license offices.”

This is odd, as U.S. citizens can register to vote while getting a new license or ID or simply renewing their existing one. In other words, there is no need for these organizations to stand outside of these offices offering, presumably, the same services a U.S. citizen can easily get inside the official building with the state — unless, of course, they are attempting to attract another target audience, noncitizens. Because of this, the state wants to know what, exactly, the nonprofits are doing there and what their true motives are for supposedly offering the same services offered to every U.S. citizen.

“Texans are deeply troubled by the possibility that organizations purporting to assist with voter registration are illegally registering noncitizens to vote in our elections,” Paxton said in a statement.

“If eligible citizens can legally register to vote when conducting their business at a DPS office, why would they need a second opportunity to register with a booth outside?” he asked, explaining that his office is investigating this matter and looking into “every credible report we receive regarding potential criminal activity that could compromise the integrity of our elections.”

Paxton added that the Biden-Harris administration brought millions of illegal immigrants into the country, saying, “[W]ithout proper safeguards, foreign nationals can illegally influence elections at the local, state, and national level.”

Paxton also reminded everyone that registering to vote as a noncitizen is a crime.

“Any wrongdoing will be punished to the fullest extent of the law,” he warned.

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