Calling out Kamala’s ‘tough on the border’ fake history

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from New York Post,

Most media may play along with Kamala Harris’ blatant border lies, but not everyone is so willing to cover for her.

On Tuesday, Tulare County, Calif., Sheriff Mike Boudreaux blasted Harris for using his likeness, without his permission, in an ad claiming she “spent decades fighting violent crime as a border-state prosecutor.”

The 2013 photo shows Boudreaux standing behind Harris at a press conference on a visit to Central Valley as California’s attorney general: Per the sheriff, she swooped in just long enough for a photo op and to take credit for local law enforcement officers’ work cracking down on cartel gang violence.

“The truth is, Harris never cared about the cartels and did nothing to stop people from illegally crossing the border,” Boudreaux fumes.

Doesn’t get much more damning than that.

Harris’ scene-stealing was insulting enough back then, but it’s even worse to slap the photo into a campaign ad a decade later as she tries to fake a “tough on the border” record.

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