Kamala Harris Has Engaged in “Blanket Discrimination” Against Christians. As President It Would be Worse

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Catholic columnist and author Ashley McGuire recently stated that Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris is a “bigot,” referring to the vice president’s “blatant discrimination against people of faith, particularly Catholics.”

McGuire, a Senior Fellow at the Catholic Association laid out Harris’ anti-Catholic history in an article for the New York Post, beginning with Harris’ 2018 targeting of Brian Buescher, a Knight of Columbus who was running to be a federal judge at the time.

“Then-Sen. Harris subtly criticized the charitable and fraternal organization for being an ‘all-male society comprised primarily of Catholic men,’ then not-so-subtly slammed it for adhering to [Buescher’s] faith’s core — or “extremist,” to use her word — beliefs about life and family,” McGuire wrote.

She added that Harris arranged for Buescher to be asked if he would resign from the Knights if his position as judge were confirmed in order “to avoid any appearance of bias.”

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“That’s what they call a religious test for office, and it’s illegal,” McGuire pointed out.

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