The Threat of the CCP

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from Heritage Action,

China poses a greater threat today than even the Soviet Union did. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which has absolute control over the Chinese nation, would like to see a world without America.

Communism is an ideology that has left a trail of blood in its wake. Communism rejects the dignity of the human person, rejects the existence of God, and rejects moral truth itself. In its aim to abolish the family, religion, and private property. Communist ideology seeks to take total control over the human soul in the hopes of creating the workers’ paradise.

The CCP is the supreme authority in China. It operates under a civil–military fusion: merging civilian and military power as a comprehensive weapon to know, influence, exploit, and defeat an enemy. China openly admits it is America’s adversary. And the problem is here on American shores.

For years, America believed it could change China by engaging with them. People thought that education and free trade would make China more like America, and we’d gain a democratic ally. But over the last decade it has become clear that was the wrong bet. China has grown richer but more aggressive. And now America has an adversary leveraging our own freedom and actors on Wall Street against our national interests. This threat should be met decisively.

The Impact on America. We must recognize the relationship for what it is: China is our adversary. The CCP Threatens America’s:

  • Jobs: The CCP is seizing control of American supply chains, undermining American companies and workers.
  • Farmland and Agriculture: Chinese entities are buying swaths of U.S. real estate near military installations, threatening national security and American agriculture production.
  • Critical Infrastructure: Chinese cyberespionage is targeting all sorts of American businesses and critical infrastructure, like power grids.
  • Data and Technology: Chinese-controlled tech companies have infiltrated government entities, granting the CCP access to sensitive data.

There are three strategies that states can employ to take decisive action to protect American interests and counter the threat of the CCP – protecting American prosperity, defending American privacy, and reducing the CCP’s influence. There are a number of bills states can pass. While eyes are rightfully on the election, many states are already preparing for the 2025 legislative sessions now.

Protect American Prosperity.

  • Ensure American Energy Independence: China has state-subsidized dominance in manufacturing solar panels, batteries, electric vehicles, and other “green” products. This means that the Left’s green push to mandate “green energy” only serves to enrich China at the expense of the United States.

Even more sobering is a long-term threat to American auto manufacturing. Not only does the push for EV undermine American jobs, cars made by our adversary could mean CCP listening devices embedded in your vehicle that can send information back to China or can turn your car on and off.

>> Model Legislation: Prohibit State Government Purchase of China Produced Electric Vehicles
>> Model Legislation: Requiring Affordable and Reliable Electricity – the state cannot switch to “green” energy sources if they are not reliable and affordable for ratepayers.

  • Safeguard U.S. Agriculture and Land: Unfortunately. China is not simply purchasing farm land to grow crops. It is not cost-effective for them in America like it is in Africa. There is an ulterior motive – whether it’s being close to a military base, key pipeline, or other critical infrastructure. China doesn’t allow us to buy land near their military bases. Neither should we.

>> Model Legislation: Keeping farmland and land near critical infrastructure from being owned by the CCP

  • Defend America’s Critical Infrastructure: Chinese cyberespionage is targeting everything from stealing intellectual property to accessing local infrastructure such as power grids. These make systems crucial to our everyday lives – from electricity, to military operations, to general government services – vulnerable to attack. One hacking group backed by the Chinese government has been exploiting compromised network appliances, sensors, routers, and other internet-connected devices.

>> Model Legislation: Stop the CCP from hacking government systems and stealing intellectual property

Defend American Privacy

  • End the Purchasing of Chinese Technology: Chinese technology companies, such as Lenovo, Lexmark, Hikvision, and DJI, are contracting with state governments, despite being barred from the U.S. military due to their security risks. These CCP-controlled companies can access sensitive personal and financial information held by courts, police departments, elections departments, education departments, and other social service providers and agencies. Alarmingly, some of these companies collect facial recognition and critical infrastructure data. There is significant risk this technology could be used in cyberattacks and to spy on Americans.

>> Model Legislation: Prohibit Government Entities from Buying Chinese State-Controlled Technology

  • Ban CCP Surveillance and Security Equipment: Chinese drone makers are giving drones for free to local police departments – which send the data back to China. There are cargo, baggage, and human scanners that are used extensively across the globe, from border checkpoints to consequential ports of entry made by Nuctech, a CCP-controlled company. This means the CCP could access internal customs systems and shipment data. At least one hundred U.S. towns, cities, and counties have awarded contracts to HikVision, a Chinese video surveillance firm. America should stop paying the CCP to spy on us.
  • Stop Buying CCP-Run Biotechnology: CCP-affiliated entities such as the Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI) are actively gathering the genetic information of millions of Americans every day. Taxpayer dollars should not be inadvertently fueling these efforts. This data could be easily exploited and potentially lead to the weaponization of biological data. Allowing these entities access to vast pools of foreign genetic information poses a grave risk to U.S. national security.

>> Congress has introduced some protective measures, such as the BIOSECURE Act, designed to prevent foreign adversary biotech companies from using American taxpayer funds

Reduce CCP Influence

  • Divest from China: State lawmakers can ensure that public pensions and investments are divested from China. They also can prevent CCP controlled entities from purchasing, investing in, or engaging with American firms particularly in sensitive industries like national security. We should not provide China with funds and access to undermine America’s security and economic well-being.
  • Prohibit Lobbying for America’s Adversaries: States can implement laws banning individuals or entities acting as agents for foreign principals from operating in the state. There’s no justification for permitting CCP-backed lobbying activities at the state level.

>> Model Legislation: Prohibit Receiving Compensation for Lobbying on Behalf of a Foreign Adversary

More From Heritage Action:

The Threat of the CCP