Will America Get Serious About Venezuela?

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from The Wall Street Journal,

It’s time for the Biden-Harris administration to recognize democracy in Venezuela.

The editorial board hits the nail on the head in “The U.S. Finally Wakes Up on Venezuela” (Review & Outlook, Aug. 6), but let me hit it harder. The Biden-Harris administration’s history of disgusting appeasement of Nicolás Maduro, the madman ruling Venezuela, has done nothing but enable more repression, torture and oppression of the Venezuelan people.

If the administration is now serious about supporting Venezuela and ensuring a more stable hemisphere, it will go beyond words and immediately do three things:

• Commit that no U.S. funds or assistance will go to Mr. Maduro, while reimposing sanctions on him and the military thugs protecting him.

• Impose sanctions on countries that provide assistance to Mr. Maduro’s crippling dictatorship.

• Call for the immediate end of repression of the Venezuelan people and make a statement about that every day.

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