Planned Parenthood Sued for Malpractice for Selling Teen Girl Trans Hormones

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A young woman who “transitioned” at 18 years old with help from Planned Parenthood is now suing the abortion giant for irresponsibly providing her with testosterone.

The Free Press reported that Cristina Hineman is a plaintiff in the first “detransitioner” lawsuit against Planned Parenthood, suing for medical malpractice. According to Hineman, she had previously been dealing with mental health issues like self-harm, depression, and anxiety, all of which were made worse during the COVID-19 lockdown. She also has autism.

YouTubers made her think that changing gender identity was the answer to solve her problems, and she went to Planned Parenthood just days after her 18th birthday to avoid needing parental consent.

Hineman told the Free Press that the initial consultation at Planned Parenthood, where she received a prescription for testosterone gel, took under 30 minutes. It led her to make an irreversible decision that she later realized she was “brainwashed” into.

“A lot of people say that adults should be able to do whatever they want. But if you have mental illness that’s clouding your view, or you’re so misinformed about what gender dysphoria even means, then you cannot consent to such invasive treatments,” she told the Free Press.

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