Video Explains How IVF Industry Produces More Deaths Than Abortion

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hink that IVF is a good and beneficial practice? Think again. According to American Life League’s Dwain Currier in a new video, “This technology is incredibly lethal for embryonic children in their most vulnerable state of human development.”

In fact, the IVF industry is responsible for more deaths each year than the abortion industry.

What is IVF? In vitro fertilization is a method by which a female’s eggs and a male’s sperm are collected in a physician’s office. The technician then manually attempts to fertilize the eggs with the sperm in a petri dish.

At that point, an unrepeatable human being begins to exist. This is not opinion. This is not a statement of faith. It is a fact. The science of embryology makes this clear.

While people on both sides of the political spectrum claim that IVF is “pro-family,” we know otherwise. IVF results in thousands of dead babies each year. It treats children like commodities. And it separates the marital act from the creation of a child. After babies are created from the IVF process, unwanted babies are frozen. Some are used in medical experiments. And others are simply discarded and thrown away. This is far from a pro-family value.

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