Against Ten Commandments in schools? Tell your kid not to look, governor says.

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div style=”font-size:75%”>from The Washington Post,


Parents who oppose the display of the Ten Commandments in public classrooms in Louisiana should “just tell the child not to look,” Gov. Jeff Landry (R) said, as he outlined how his government intended to respond to a lawsuit against the state’s new requirement to post the Ten Commandments in every school classroom.

“When you elect people, you elect them by a majority. That majority gets to rule,” he told reporters Monday. “And so what I would say to those parents is that if those posters are in school, and they find them so vulgar, just tell the child not to look at it,” he added.

At the same news conference, Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill said she is asking the court to dismiss a lawsuit brought by rights groups and nine families of different faiths — including four members of the clergy — that seeks to overturn the law. The lawsuit argues that placing the Ten Commandments in classrooms “unconstitutionally pressures students into religious observance, veneration, and adoption of the state’s favored religious scripture.”

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