Conservatives Vow to Kill “Pathetic” Biden-Harris Plan to Pack the Supreme Court

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from LifeNews,

Conservative members of Congress have voiced their unwavering opposition to President Joe Biden’s plan to transform the Supreme Court via three constitutional amendments the president proposed on Monday, calling the backdoor court-packing plan “pathetic,” unconstitutional, and “dead on arrival.”

On Monday, Biden bowed to pressure to change the make-up of the Supreme Court by proposing three “reforms” during a speech in Austin, Texas. The most consequential piece of the package would establish an 18-year term limit for Supreme Court justices, who currently serve for life. That arbitrary barrier would immediately apply to the court’s three most-senior justices, including two of its most tenacious originalists: Justices Clarence Thomas (who has served 33 years), Chief Justice John Roberts (19 years), and Justice Samuel Alito (18 years).

“When the Left loses by the rules they put in place, they try to change the rules,” said Rep. Chuck Flesichmann (R-Tenn.) on “Washington Watch with Tony Perkins” on Tuesday. “It’s pathetic, really.” Perkins called it “a last-ditch effort for the Left to grab hold of power.”

“Don’t be fooled. This move by President Biden has nothing to do with protecting the court and has everything to do with the Left’s desire to dominate every institution in society. And today that means launching political broadside attacks on our independent judiciary. Those attacks must be rejected,” said Kristen Waggoner, president of the Alliance Defending Freedom, in a statement emailed to The Washington Stand.

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