Biden Vows to Push Supreme Court Reform in Final Months in Office

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from The EPOCH Times,

The president made those remarks in his Wednesday night speech from the Oval Office, saying that he plans to call for Supreme Court reform in his final stretch as commander-in-chief.

During his speech, President Biden addressed his decision not to seek reelection and laid out plans for his final six months in office, including boosting economic growth, lowering inflation, tightening gun control, and safeguarding the planet from what he calls a “climate crisis.”

As for the Supreme Court, he says changes are needed because it’s critical to democracy.

In recent weeks, there’s been media speculation that President Biden is considering establishing an enforceable ethics code for Supreme Court justices.

While the president has resisted pressure from the progressive wing of the Democratic Party to adopt measures including imposing term limits on Supreme Court justices or packing the high court with more justices, he did create a commission to examine possible Supreme Court reforms, including ending lifetime appointments.

You should know that a few months ago, while President Biden was still in the running for a second term, he said that whoever wins the presidential election in November will likely be able to appoint several Supreme Court justices.

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