The U.N. Still Won’t Condemn Oct. 7

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from The Wall Street Journal,

Elliot Kaufman’s op-ed “Israel Struggles Against Global Amnesia” (June 28) raises the question: Where is the world’s empathy for Israel?

Oct. 7 was a microcosm of the Holocaust. Palestinian terrorists butchered, tied up and burned to ash Israeli babies, and raped, mutilated and murdered Israeli women and girls. They slaughtered 1,200 people and kidnapped 250 more as hostages, including women, children and an infant. Hamas vowed to repeat Oct. 7 “again and again” until Israel is annihilated.

This was pure evil. Yet the United Nations General Assembly and Security Council failed to condemn it.

Only two Arab countries (Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates) denounced Hamas’s attacks, and no Arab leader had the courage to visit an existentially shaken Israel and say: “The Jewish people and a Jewish state are part of the fabric of our region. You are our neighbors, and today we mourn with you.” Instead, the world falsely blamed Israel when a Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket struck a Gaza hospital, and many vilified Israel even for rescuing its hostages.

A similar number of Americans were slaughtered or kidnapped on Oct. 7 as were held hostage from 1979-81 by Iran. Eight remain captives in Gaza, alive or dead. Yet instead of tying yellow ribbons in solidarity, U.S. college students tore down posters of the hostages and attacked Jewish students. Oct. 7 taught Israelis that “never again” was a lie.

Stephen A. Silver

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