Brainwashing campus activists starts long before college

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from New York Post,

Americans shocked at the aggressive protests on our most elite campuses often imagine these kids have become brainwashed while away at school.

That indoctrination certainly does take place. Yet the process for most starts far earlier, often in the K-12 years — or even before.

What we’re seeing on our campuses is the culmination of many years of leftist activists pushing kids to the forefront to spread their propaganda.

And it’s not remotely just board books like “A is for Activist” that introduce toddlers to the idea of protest before they even set foot in school.

Teachers push their agenda; whether climate change, gun control or the war in Gaza, they’re focused far less on teaching children how to think than what to think.

The goal is to turn kids into activists, and the sooner the better.

After all, children can be valuable for shutting down debate.

Their youth implies innocence and seems to confer moral authority: How could anyone argue with an innocent child?

Greta Thunberg famously quit school to campaign against climate change.

No one could argue with a traumatized teen — and that was the point.

The concept has only spread since.

Last week, the Stanford University encampment hosted pre-teens from Aswat Youth Ensemble, who led the genocidal chants of “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free” and sang Palestinian folk songs looking mildly bored.

Grown-up radicals know how to get kids interested: Last month, the Free Press reported that The Long Beach Unified School District was paying students to train in racial and social justice causes.

If kids have little passion for the cause, maybe some cash will win them over.

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