It’s Official: Republicans Are Staging an Effective Convention

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from The Wall Street Journal,

Judging the quality of a public presentation can be a rather subjective process. But Republicans have learned from experience that nothing says success like a joyless mood around the MSNBC anchor desk. After party co-chair Lara Trump closed Tuesday night’s session of the GOP convention with a compelling and loving case for her father-in-law, the cable network had the wistful sound of what might have been. Your humble correspondent was listening on the radio while riding away from the convention site with this column’s most celebrated alumnus. MSNBC pundits seemed especially disappointed that Republicans had refused to live down to the caricature of them painted by MSNBC pundits. Since it wasn’t the network’s “Morning Joe” program, at least MSNBC executives didn’t have to worry about participants saying anything shockingly inappropriate.

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