A political show trial we may soon regret.

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from The Gray Area:

The Wall Street Journal gives the most mature reaction to the Trump verdict today:
Twelve New York jurors have found Donald Trump guilty of falsifying business records, a total of 34 felony counts, in history’s first criminal conviction of a former President. What a volatile moment for the country.

  • Will the judge jail Mr. Trump?
  • Will voters re-elect him in November anyway, in disgust of this concocted case?
  • What if it’s thrown out on appeal?
  • Will Republicans retaliate?

The nation might soon regret this rough turn.

How true!

The right says this was ‘a trial in search of a crime and a media tampering in elections.’ The Trump Trial, where Democrats are judge, jury, and executioner, presided over by a Trump-hating media. Here is Ron DeSantis’ comment via X:

The left says guilty on 34 felony counts, and Trump should be punished for the criminal acts he committed! Most DAs would not have pursued the case.

Then, there is the media.

MRC reports: The networks have ravenously covered the trial even though a first-year law student would laugh at the evidence.

Meanwhile, Bob Menendez’s corruption trial? Bare minimum coverage.

Biden’s bribery scandals and Hunter’s laptop? The media can’t be bothered.

Released earlier today as a Fox News exclusive, an MRC study found that in just six weeks since jury selection on April 15, ABC, CBS, and NBC have doled out more than ten hours (640 minutes) on the case across their flagship morning, evening, and Sunday political talk shows.

  • Out of 110 evening news stories, only three hinted that D.A. Alvin Bragg was a partisan Democrat.
  • Three stories directly referenced lead prosecutor Matthew Colangelo, but none explained he had left a high-ranking job at Joe Biden’s Justice Department to join Bragg’s prosecution of Trump.
  • MRC analysts found that the tabloid term “hush money” was used 113 times in these six weeks.
  • The networks buried “star witness” Michael Cohen’s perjury conviction, mentioning it just 4% of the time.
  • None of the network evening newscasts disclosed the conflicts surrounding Judge Juan Merchan, such as his donations to Joe Biden and the group “Stop Republicans” in 2020.
  • Guilty until proven innocent? Viewers heard the word “criminal” used 111 times about Trump;

The media’s gaslighting coverage is having its desired effect. In an April poll conducted by NBC News, despite Trump’s national lead (46% to 44%), voters predominantly consuming information from “national network news like NBC, ABC, or CBS” overwhelmingly favored Biden in a landslide (55% to 35%). Conviction or not, the media have made their case.

What’s Next?

Jurors found the former president guilty on all counts. Each count carries a maximum prison sentence of 4 years. In total, Trump faces a maximum sentence of 136 years.

Sentencing for the former president will be July 11 at 10:00 a.m–just four days before the start of the Republican National Convention, where he is expected to be formally nominated as the 2024 Republican presidential nominee. The convention is July 15- 18 in Milwaukee.

The conviction does not bar Trump from running for president.

Prosecutors needed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump falsified those records to conceal a $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels, a pornographic performer, in the lead-up to the 2016 election to silence her about an alleged affair with Trump in 2006.

Trump was convicted of falsifying business records in the first degree. While that’s a felony, it’s the lowest level felony in New York state. The options range from a fine up to a prison term of 1 1/3 to 4 years. The reason that that possible prison term is a range instead of a specific number is that this sentence is what’s known as “indeterminate” (as opposed to “determinate,” which would be a specific number). So even if Trump is sentenced to prison, the amount of time he serves may be relatively slight — though the significance of any time spent behind bars should not be minimized (putting aside whatever special practical accommodations would be made for a former president in this hypothetical scenario). And we should expect any prison sentences on multiple counts to run concurrently (meaning together) as opposed to consecutively.

But even if Merchan imposes a prison or jail term, we shouldn’t expect Trump to serve it any time soon. He’s very likely to appeal, and he’d remain free pending the appeal, which is unlikely to be resolved before the November presidential election.

Former president Trump said:

“This was a disgrace. This was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge who was corrupt as a rigged trial and disgrace. It wouldn’t give us a venue change,” Trump said. “We were at five percent or 6% in this district, in this area. This was a rigged, disgraceful trial.”

Trump said “the real verdict is going to be November 5th by the people.

This is now the second conviction for Trump where a crime was not committed. He got a bank loan and paid it back early with interest. He paid money to someone for a service requiring a non-disclosure agreement. Both, normal business practices. His political opposition campaign shows up in front of th courthouse when the prosecution rests its case and the jury deliberates. Both prosecutors are Soros funded radicals. Both stated they were going to get Trump. Democrats are judge, jury, and executioner. And the Trump-hating media constantly spinning negative political narratives. I don’t know. Does it sound like a political show trial to you.

That’s why, as The Wall Street Journal stated, what this has wrought, we might soon regret.

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