This is why progressives want to change, eliminate the electoral college

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from The Gray Area:

According to Maudlin Economics The US population is crammed into a handful of counties.

This map show the US by county.

The blue areas are counties with more than 1 million residents according to the 2020 census. Add them all up and these counties represent about 30% of the population. Add the adjacent counties and most of the US is packed into a small area.

This is the map the Founders realized would occur, because it is what existed in 1787. All of the population in America was concentrated in New York, Boston and Virginia. In order to have all people throughout the county to have equal opportunity to participate that envisioned a Constitutional Republic, and a Democracy, a ‘mixed’ republic, where decisions are made locally, and federally. The Electoral College was envisioned as a tool to make a representative democracy more fair and united.. Without it today, our country would be run by coastal elites in LA, Chicago, NY and a few other big cities around the country. Progressives realize that is where they live.

Just like in 1787, this would create a pur democracy but a poor and disunited America. We dont need more disunity. Resist the destruction of the Electoral College.

However, this was before work at home policies allowed m,any workers to live far from their employers offices. That may change the pattern by the next census in 2030.

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