How Gen Z Is Becoming the Toolbelt Generation

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from The Wall Street Journal,

Remember the last time you may have needed a plumber at home, as in right now! We have water all over the place! And the dispatcher or call-center told you it might be ‘a little while … just turn off the main water valve’. What? And when calling your spouse or kids at home, it isn’t easy trying to phone-direct them to the shut-off valve.

Home fix-it emergencies – or even those at the office — can usurp hours or days. There just aren’t enough available tradespeople on tap the moment we need them … plumbers, carpenters, electricians, welders, and others.

It turns out many of today’s young Generation Z are answering that call. A number of them are opting out of college-degree tracks and into trades with immediate-work probability. This WSJ article paints the picture on the new ‘toolbelt generation,’ and it’s an inspiring read. Perhaps you have kids or grandkids who are more suited to the trades. Right now, they can almost write their own ticket.

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