Pence declines to endorse Trump, won’t back Biden

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Former Vice President Mike Pence has declined to endorse his onetime running mate, former President Trump, in a bombshell announcement Friday.

“I’m incredibly proud of the record of our administration. It was a conservative record that made America more prosperous, more secure and saw conservatives appointed to our courts in a more peaceful world.”

Pence recounted how his presidential bid laid out the differences between himself and his former boss, and repeated his contention he did not have the right under the Electoral Count Act of 1887 – as Trump and some proponents claimed – to send disputed elector slates back to state legislators.

“[We have] our differences on my constitutional duties that I exercised on January 6 [2021],” he said.

Pence said Trump’s 2024 campaign portrays him as shirking the conservative commitment to reducing the national debt and the “sanctity of human life.”

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