OpenAI and Microsoft respond to the Times—while Musk also sues OpenAI

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In December, the New York Times filed a lawsuit against OpenAI—the creator of the popular artificial intelligence software known as ChatGPT—and Microsoft, one of OpenAI’s primary financial backers and partners. As reported by the Times, the suit alleged that OpenAI used millions of Times articles to train “automated chatbots that now compete with the news outlet as a source of reliable information” by reproducing Times articles. By doing this, the suit argued, OpenAI was trying to “free-ride” on the newspaper’s investment in journalism, and Microsoft was guilty of doing the same, because it used ChatGPT technology in its Bing search engine and in many Microsoft Office products. The Times didn’t ask for specific financial damages from OpenAI or Microsoft, but said that the behavior alleged in the lawsuit should result in “billions of dollars” in damages from both companies. The Times also asked the court to force OpenAI to destroy any AI models, databases, and training data that were based on copyrighted material from the paper.

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