“kill the Boer” (Whites)

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from The Spectator,

It may be hard to trust many of the storylines pushed by the media, but Cockburn must admit that looking to new Twitter — now X — isn’t likely to solve any problems either. The owner of that troubled platform, Elon Musk, illustrated Monday exactly why. The SpaceX and Tesla CEO, who has over 150 million followers, replied to a series of tweets asserting that white genocide is on the verge of erupting in South Africa.

Julius Malema, for those unfamiliar, is the firebrand head of South Africa’s far-left… a radical pro-Putin demagogue who has capitalized on domestic unrest and resentment in South Africa to turn his party into the third largest in parliament. Among the most controversial elements of his party’s agenda is the expropriation of land without compensation. He has been prosecuted for hate speech for singing “Shoot the Boer” before; while he lost in court in 2010, the decision was reversed in 2022, when a Johannesburg judge ruled that the singing of the song “does not constitute hate speech and deserves to be protected under the rubric of freedom of speech — it articulates the failure of the current government to address issues of economic empowerment and land division.”

But while Malema is surely a dangerous troublemaker, the idea that white genocide is imminent in South Africa is absurd. It is a long-running conspiracy theory … “The song in question [Shoot the Boer] existed long before the Great Awokening and can only be understood in the context of South Africa…

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