Trump Wins South Carolina Primary: Live Election Results, Analysis

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from The Wall Street Journal,

The former president defeated Nikki Haley in her home state, his latest blow to her long-shot bid to block him from becoming the party’s nominee. Next up: Michigan’s primary on Tuesday.

Donald Trump won South Carolina’s GOP primary on Saturday by about 20 percentage points, propelling him closer to a rematch with President Biden. Nikki Haley lost her home state but is vowing to stay in the race.

Donald Trump: If the former president continues to sweep through the GOP primaries, he is likely to secure the nomination by mid-March. During Saturday’s victory speech, Trump told supporters he was confident he could beat Biden in November, “We’re going to say ‘Joe, you’re fired.’”

Nikki Haley: The former South Carolina governor was defiant after her loss, saying she’s still in the race and the number of voters who have supported her shows an appetite for a Trump alternative.

What’s Next: With South Carolina’s primary over, here’s a look at the Republican presidential primary calendar.

Feb. 27: Michigan

March 2: Idaho, Missouri

March 3: D.C.

March 4: North Dakota

March 5 (Super Tuesday):

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