The Path to Biden Impeachment

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from The Wall Street Journal,

Give the House this: It may not be able to balance the books, pass legislation or even hang on to a speaker. But it’s getting good at impeaching presidents.

A fractious GOP majority on Wednesday managed something rare: It came together without dissent, to open a formal impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden. Technically, it’s a first step

Republicans get credit for making it official. Impeachment—a claim of presidential “high crimes or misdemeanors”—ought to be a big deal, and merits at minimum a recorded tally showing that a majority favors an inquiry. Then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi lowered the bar in 2019 when she unilaterally declared an impeachment inquiry into Donald Trump, and followed up with a House vote on impeachment rules only under pressure. Her successor, Kevin McCarthy, in September followed her lead and unilaterally declared a probe into Mr. Biden, and it was unclear if the GOP would bother with an official vote.

The Biden White House arguably also left them no choice. The question of Hunter Biden’s unsavory business deals—and his father’s knowledge or involvement—might have been adjudicated by the public in 2020, had not a leftist cabal of journalists, social-media companies and former officials censored the Hunter laptop story. The House investigation has since unraveled a shocking tale of brazen Hunter influence-peddling and evidence that Joe, at the very least, helped his son sell the Biden “brand”—and was untruthful with the public about his knowledge of the family business.

The White House is stonewalling House GOP demands for documents that might shed light on Joe’s interactions with his son. Government lawyers have accompanied witnesses to interviews and limited their responses.

mpeachment might also pose a political risk to the GOP. Mr. Biden is unpopular, thanks to his own poor governance. Would Americans—especially those in swing districts—appreciate a formal impeachment? Or might there be a backlash from voters who feel lawmakers don’t trust them to make their own decision about Joe’s fitness at the ballot box, informed by the full details of Hunter’s escapades but absent an impeachment drama?

The details of the Biden family business already stink, and this investigation may put to rest any doubts about the future impeachment course.

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