Heritage Identifies Documents That Could Speed Up Investigation Into Biden’s Alias Email Accounts

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from Daily Signal,

The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project has identified what could be a relatively small cache of documents that could help Congress get to the heart of the issue in just a matter of months.

The alias email issue raises ongoing concerns about the executive branch’s use of aliases, pseudonyms, and “burner accounts” as a means to potentially hide its activities and circumvent oversight and accountability.

The aliases linked to Biden include email addresses from relatively unknown email domains managed by the Defense Information Systems Agency and offshore email providers would make document retention, and oversight, purposefully difficult under the Presidential Records Act and other laws.

Court filings show that the then-vice president was involved in the exchange of more than 82,000 pages of documents using these email accounts. Of these 82,000 pages, less than 1% have been turned over to congressional Republicans in an effort to stonewall congressional oversight.

However, the National Archives has revealed to the Heritage Oversight Project through a narrowly targeted Freedom of Information Act request that it possesses 731 documents relevant to the creation of these alias email accounts and potentially who authorized their use.

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