Biden faces expanding list of potential challengers in reelection bid

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from The Washington Post,

President Biden, already struggling with broad unpopularity and growing concerns among Democrats about his standing, is now facing an expanding list of declared or potential challengers who could further complicate his effort to win a second term and defeat leading rival Donald Trump.

On Thursday, Jill Stein, blamed by some Democrats for helping to funnel votes away from Hillary Clinton in 2016, announced another presidential bid in 2024 as the Green Party candidate. And later in the day, Sen. Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.) — who has openly flirted with the idea of mounting a third-party presidential bid challenging Biden and the eventual GOP nominee — announced he was retiring from the Senate and would spend the coming months traveling the country

Biden also faces nettlesome campaign opponents in Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.) — who recently launched a Democratic primary challenge declaring that “it’s time for a new generation” — and from Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who after flirting with a primary campaign is running as an independent in the general election.

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