Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan host 2024 candidates at influential donor summit

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from The Washington Post,

The influential network of donors who joined forces to boost the 2012 presidential bid of Mitt Romney and his running mate, Paul D. Ryan, are meeting in Park City, Utah, on Tuesday, where they will hear from four of the GOP presidential candidates who are trying to prove to donors that they are best positioned to defeat Donald Trump.
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Nikki Haley, Chris Christie, Mike Pence and Doug Burgum will all address those potential backers in closed-door sessions at the policy gathering known as the E2 Summit, which was launched by Romney before he became a U.S. senator from Utah and then helmed by Ryan, the former House Speaker, beginning in 2019.

The group of some 250 attendees are coming together at a critical juncture with just over three months before Iowa’s GOP caucuses kick off the nominating process and as House Republican leaders are in disarray following the ouster of Kevin McCarthy (Calif.) as House speaker.

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