U.S. House Votes to Keep Abortion out of HIV/AIDS Relief

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from Western Journal,

Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ) took to the House floor last week and reminded lawmakers that Africans do not want money for HIV/AIDS relief going to pro-abortion groups. Smith read a letter from 131 African lawmakers and religious leaders that put this in the strongest terms.

“We ask that PEPFAR remain true to its original mission and respect our norms, traditions, and values. We ask that those partner organizations with whom the U.S. government partners to implement PEPFAR programs in ways that are cognizant and respectful of our beliefs and not cross over into promoting divisive ideas and practices that are not consistent with those of Africa.”

Their plea seemed to have some effect as House Republicans voted to block international abortion groups from receiving HIV/AIDS funding in the 2024 State and Foreign Operations funding bill. The bill passed last week mostly along party lines with just two Democrats in support.

Up for reauthorization every five years, the long-standing $6 billion a year federal program to deliver HIV/AIDS relief to poor countries stalled in Congress over Democrat refusal to include pro-life language. The foreign aid bill continues to fund PEPFAR for an additional year while Congress debates the reauthorization.

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