Putin Blasts Mutineers as Kremlin Tries to Assert Control

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from The Wall Street Journal,

In address to nation, Putin says organizers of the insurrection betrayed the country; Prigozhin denies trying to oust president.

Yevgeny Prigozhin said the aim of Wagner’s insurrection was to protest the way the paramilitary group was being treated. Russian media said he is still under criminal investigation.

Putin sharply criticized the organizers of the mutiny for betraying their country, though he thanked the Wagner soldiers who turned back. He reiterated that Wagner soldiers have an opportunity to sign contracts with the Defense Ministry or go to Belarus. “At the same time we knew and know that the vast majority of the fighters and commanders of the Wagner group are also patriots of Russia, devoted to their people and the state,” Putin said. He said that under his instructions, steps were taken to avoid great bloodshed.

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