‘Unprecedented’: Biden Evacuates Sudan, Marking Third US Embassy Withdrawal. 16,000 Americans Left Behind.

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from Daily Signal,

The U.S. military evacuated official personnel from the embassy in Khartoum, Sudan, Saturday as civil unrest, crime, terrorism, and armed conflict plague the country. However, State Department officials indicate that because of the violence, the U.S. government might not help to evacuate as many as 16,000 Americans who remain.

“That the U.S. was unprepared and caught off guard is really inexcusable,” leading Heritage Foundation foreign policy expert James Carafano told The Daily Signal. “Since [Joe] Biden became president, we have evacuated three U.S. embassies. That’s unprecedented in modern times.” (The Daily Signal is the multimedia news outlet of The Heritage Foundation.)

President Joe Biden withdrew troops and all embassy personnel from Afghanistan in August 2021 after a 20-year U.S. occupation, leaving the Taliban to take over. Biden also suspended embassy operations in Ukraine when Russia invaded in February 2022, though the embassy reopened last May.

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