Transgenderism on Trial

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from The American Spectator,

Much to the dismay of thousands of angry protestors, a debate between conservative Daily Wire podcast host Michael Knowles and libertarian journalist Brad Polumbo was held last night at the University of Pittsburgh.

The debate was met with several roadblocks in the weeks leading up to it: 11,000 signatures were collected demanding the school shut down the debate, Knowles’ original opponent, a transgender professor, backed out of the event, and protestors literally set the street on fire.

During the event, police had to report a “public safety emergency” after an “incendiary device” went off outside the location.

Protestors also set fire to a dummy with Knowles’ face on it. What a “warm” welcome!

So, here’s the question that enraged so many last night: Should transgenderism be regulated by law?

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