who embraces …. anti democracy beliefs?
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How about ‘normal Republicans, stand up to the Democrat revolutionaries‘! The enemy of the republic is not fringe Republicans. It is the entire Democrat party. If you think otherwise you are buying into the political narrative about the need to ‘save our democracy’.
– Who embraces socialism & communism?
– who wants to USA to be subservient to the UN , the WEF, the WTO, etc?
– who wants socialist, single payer healthcare?
– who censors free speech?
– who restricts religion?
– wh0 wants to take away your right to bear arms?
– who censors media they don’t like?
– who wants universal basic income?
– who wants to abort babies at anytime up to post birth?
– who wants federal vaccine mandates, lockdowns and control?
– who has armed police attack the homes of their political enemies?
– who wants to ‘defund the police’ and reduce crimes of theft to anything above $1,000?
– who allows homes of Supreme Court Justices to be mobed and lives threatened.
– who instigates mob rule? (no, not Trump)
– who hates the USA?
– who believes this country is systemically racist?
– who wants to federalize our elections?
– who wants to federalize our energy supple?
– who wants to federalize food production and distribution?
– who wants to federalized the auto industry?
– who wants to pack the Supreme Court to support an extreme political ideological agenda?
– who wants to impeach justices just because they disagree?
– who wants elementary school students shown graphic sexual content and indoctrinated into gender dysfunction and radical gender surgery?
– who wants parents authority over their children’s lives transfer to the state?
– in support of sexual freedom, who wants to legalize pedophilia?
– who denies there is a crisis at our southern border?
– who wants open borders that allow any and everyone to run freely through our streets?
– who then wants to grant citizenship and voting rights to those same people?
– who wants to take everyone’s life down to pre-industrial levels, with policies they admit won’t work, to fight a hyped up climate crisis?
– who supports China?
– on, and on, and on, …

A similar list of grievances against Republicans can be made by Democrats. The difference is, that list would be full of political narratives like racist, against women, against immigrants, support ax cuts for the rich, don’t want to pay for education, refuse to fix the income inequality, won’t fight climate change crisis, etc., but not with facts. Each of these items listed is fact.