SF launches Guaranteed Income for Transgender People (G.I.F.T.) 

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Program provides $1,200 a month, prioritizes Black Transgender people.

Both transgender people and Black people are at an increased risk of homelessness in the Bay Area and nationally. In May of this year, Mayor London Breed announced an ambitious plan to end transgender homelessness in San Francisco by 2027. The recently announced Guaranteed Income for Transgender People (G.I.F.T.) is a part of these efforts.

G.I.F.T. will provide 55 transgender residents of San Francisco County with $1,200 a month in guaranteed income for a year and a half. The program promises to prioritize enrollment of transgender, non-binary, gender non-conforming and intersex (TGI) people who are also Black, Indigenous, or people of color (BIPOC), experiencing homelessness, living with disabilities and chronic illnesses, youth and elders, monolingual Spanish-speakers and those who are legally vulnerable such as TGI people who are undocumented, engaging in survival sex trades ​or are formerly incarcerated.

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