the coup is already underway- but its not the one you think it is, which is why it has every chance to be success
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remember ‘Change’?

Who wants ‘change’?

What does ‘change’ mean?

Obama said it is:
-Fundamental change
-Redistribution of wealth

Who’s political slogan is ‘change’?

Is it republicans?

Is it Democrats? Progressives? Socialists?
Correct, the latter. Yet they tell you that the peopel who want change are not those cryng for it, but those yelling about teh Cnstitution, teh bill of rights, teh declaration of independence, free speech and allthe other tenet sof our democrcy.

So think about it, where is teh threat of insurrection, coup gong to be coming from?

Are Fundamental change & Redistribution of wealth Republican mantras?

So why is the media nd the Democrats telling you to fear for your democracy from Republicans who are trying to save it?

Yes, but, Dems are sayign they want to save oour democracy too. Curious isn’t it. They say Fundamental change & Redistribution of wealth, censorship of those who disagree, free speech is violent, …………… and save our democracy. Which is it? Both narratives can’t be the same objective.

There is almost no appetite on the right for changing the fundamental institutions of our democracy. But there is on the left – from eliminating the Senate filibuster to firing the Parliamentarian to packing the Supreme Court, or even eliminating it!