8 Things You Must Know About Deeply Flawed COVID-19 Package

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from Daily Signal,

While Democrats have drafted a reconciliation bill under the guise of responding to COVID, the massive $1.9 trillion stimulus package bill does little to combat the virus.

The bill will includes:

  • $350 billion to bail out state and local governments. The Heritage Foundation has pointed out Congress has already provided state and local aid 16 times more than 2020 revenue losses and twice as much as the expected 2020 and 2021 combined losses.
  • $130 billion for K-12 school funding without requiring those schools to be open.
  • Another round of stimulus checks, higher supplemental federal unemployment assistance, and an expansion of the child tax credit. These provisions constitute the majority of the package’s $1.9 trillion price tag.

Another massive stimulus package simply isn’t needed.

Here are crucial facts about the package that Americans should be aware of:
1. It Adds Over $14,000 Per Household to the National Debt

2. It Is a COVID-19 Bill That Treats COVID-19 as an Afterthought

3. Its Massive Education Spending Won’t Actually Reopen Schools

4. It Opens the Door for Taxpayer-Funded Abortions

5. Its Unprecedented Minimum Wage Increase Would Kill Jobs and Businesses

6. It Includes Opportunistic Welfare Expansions That Create Perverse Incentives

7. It Will Give Huge Handouts to Special Interests

8. Its $1,400 Checks Would Have Minimal Economic Effect, Maximum Debt Impact

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