“Fundamentally transform this country & redistribute it’s wealth”

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from The Gray Area:

Barack Obama said that his ‘hope & change’ motto in 2008 was about ‘fundamentally transforming the USA & redistributing it’s wealth’. He went too slow, or in his words, was ‘too early’ to get it all done. His first major attempt was Obamacare and it is still with us.

President Biden will attempt to implement the rest of the plan immediately upon his inauguration. This section will list each attempt by the Democrat Executive and Legislative branches to make Obama’s goal a reality.

January 25, 2021

Biden reverses Trump ban on transgender individuals serving in military

January 22, 2021:

An executive order rigs competition by requiring that biological boys be allowed to compete against girls.

Biden Rescinds Trump Order Banning Chinese Communist Involvement In US Power Grid

Planting crops — and carbon, too

President Biden is expected on Friday to significantly increase federal food assistance for millions of hungry families among executive actions intended to stabilize the deterioration of the economy weighed down by the raging coronavirus pandemic.

January 20, 2021:

HR 1 – Election integrity. Deceptively titled “For the People Act,” its primary goal is to rig the election system in favor of Democratic politicians by undermining America’s electoral process.

On the pandemic:

1. Biden signed an executive order appointing Jeffrey D. Zients as the official Covid-19 response coordinator who will report to the president, in an effort to “aggressively” gear up the nation’s response to the pandemic. The order also restores the directorate for global health security and biodefense at the National Security Council, a group Mr. Trump had disbanded.

2. Mr. Biden is also reinstating ties with the World Health Organization after the Trump administration chose to withdraw the nation’s membership and funding last year.

3. Biden is requiring social distancing and the wearing of masks on all federal property and by all federal employees. He is also starting a “100 days masking challenge” urging all Americans to wear masks


4. With an executive order, Mr. Biden has bolstered the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program that protects from deportation immigrants brought to the United States as children, often called Dreamers. Mr. Trump sought for years to end the program, known as DACA.

5. Another executive order revokes the Trump administration’s plan to exclude non-citizens from the census count, and,

6. … another overturns a Trump executive order that pushed aggressive efforts to find and deport unauthorized immigrants.

7. Yet another order blocks the deportation of Liberians who have been living in the United States.

8. In a blow to one of his predecessor’s earliest actions to limit immigration, Mr. Biden has also ended the so-called Muslim ban, which blocked travel to the United States from several predominantly Muslim and African countries.

9. Biden halted construction of Mr. Trump’s border wall with Mexico.

Climate Change:

10. Chief among executive orders that begin to tackle the issue of climate change, Mr. Biden has signed a letter to re-enter the United States in the Paris climate accords.

11. Mr. Biden began the reversal of a slew of the Trump administration’s environmental policies, including revoking the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline; reversing the rollbacks to vehicle emissions standards; undoing decisions to slash the size of several national monuments; enforcing a temporary moratorium on oil and natural gas leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge; and re-establishing a working group on the social costs of greenhouse gasses.

Racial Equality:

12. Biden will end the Trump administration’s 1776 Commission, which released a report on Monday that historians said distorted the role of slavery in the United States, among other history.

13. Mr. Biden also revoked Mr. Trump’s executive order limiting the ability of federal agencies, contractors and other institutions to hold diversity and inclusion training.

14. Another executive order reinforces Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to require that the federal government does not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity, a policy that reverses action by Mr. Trump’s administration.


15. extend a federal moratorium on evictions

16. moving to continue a pause on federal student loan interest and principal payments through the end of September

Government Accountablility:

17. He has ordered all of his appointees in the executive branch to sign an ethics pledge.

18. Finally, Mr. Biden issued a freeze on all new regulations put in motion by his predecessor to give his administration time to evaluate which ones it wants to move forward.