The Resistance Has Begun

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from The Gray Area:

Whoopi Goldberg told conservatives on The VIEW Monday, they should put up no resistance, to “suck it up” about Biden’s presidential win “like we sucked it up” with Trump.


An official ‘resistance’ started immediately after the 2016 Presidential election, supported by Hollywood, the media and Congressional Dems. It continued for four straight years! This is so bad that Democrats are not hypocrites, they have established their own level of hypocrisy – hypoCrats!

And already, the ‘resistance’ has begun anew. They are ignoring the voter fraud issue and any evidence that it exists. As talk show host Mark Levin noted, “there’s more evidence of voter fraud than there was ever evidence of Russia collusion… So those that keep saying, let’s see the evidence, where the hell were you for the last four years?

AOC has come out and said that she wants to identify, censor & cancel anyone who supported Trump.

Doesn’t sound much like a united America does it? Just the ‘comply or die’ Marxism that the Democrat party has become.

from Townhall,

While the news media was demonizing Trump and promoting Biden, Project Veritas was doing the work that journalists used to do. They produced a series of videos highlighting United States Postal Service (USPS) whistleblowers in states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Nevada. These courageous USPS employees highlighted illegal activities such as backdating ballots and improperly handling blank ballots that had been mailed to wrong addresses.

Of course, the news media had no interest in reporting on the stunning Project Veritas discoveries. It is also infuriating, but not surprising, that the media are very unconcerned about voting software that experienced a “glitch” in Michigan which resulted in thousands of Trump voters being cast for Biden. The mistake was uncovered in one Michigan county, but the software, made by Dominion Systems, was used throughout the state.

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