Media trying to influence the election more than the Russians!

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from The Gray Area:


The “news media” are propagandists, not journalists.

Media Research Center’s (MRC) Watchdog magazine has done a real service for everyone. For those who are still not sure the media is colluding with the political left, censor news coverage, demonize opposition and are regularly biased, they should read the December issue of Watchdog.

In 2016, the liberal media gave aid and comfort to Hillary Clinton, covering up her scandals when they could, spinning them in her favor when they couldn’t. As for Donald Trump, they relentlessly attacked him, an unprecedented avalanche of negative coverage. The liberal media even cheated to help Clinton. As Wikileaks showed, many so-called journalists were colluding with the Clinton campaign to manipulate coverage and rig the debates. They were completely invested in her campaign. There was no other side to the story in their politically correct universe.They censored the huge appeal of Trump and smeared his supporters as racists, Nazis and women-haters. Following Hillary’s cue, they tarred some 60 million Americans as “deplorables.” But while Clinton’s defeat is over, the media’s loss is ongoing. Their credibility is shot. They misjudged the American people and the power of social media. They got nearly everything wrong because they were trying to influence the election, not report it. Yet it looks like they’ve learned nothing.

Following are a few excerpts (35) from the articles in this and the January issue. I apologize for the length of these excerpts, but this is just a small sample of the reporting!

  • MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell derided Trump as an “imbecile candidate,” while NPR’s Bob Garfield slammed him for “racism, xenophobia, misogyny… and a nuclear recklessness reminiscent of a raving meth head with a machete.”
  • CBS’s Nancy Giles speculated Trump was “clinically insane, a view echoed by Morning Joe’s Mika Brzezinski
  • MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow said she was reading a lot about when “Hitler first became chancellor…. I think that’s possibly where we are.”
  • Newsweek’s Jon Meacham mocked, “the movement from George H. W. Bush to Donald Trump disproves Darwin.”
  • The NYT’s Jim Rutenberg lectured that reporters shouldn’t be neutral if they believe Trump “is a demagogue” and “would be dangerous with control of the United States nuclear codes.”
  • Univision’s Jorge Ramos whistled the same tune, telling reporters they “cannot hide in the principle of neutrality.”
  • Wikileaks revealed that many liberal journalists were working hand-in-glove with the Clinton campaign. Emails proved, for instance, that CNN contributor and DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile passed debate and town hall questions to Clinton staff … When caught, Brazile lied about it on national TV. CNN claimed it had accepted her resignation on October 14 – 17 days prior. .. But why accept the resignation? CNN had a responsibility to fire Brazile for cheating — and didn’t.

An MRC/YouGov poll after the election showed that 69% of voters do not think the news media are honest and truthful, and 59% said the media favored Clinton. However, 97% said they did not let the media’s bias influence their vote. The media are in full panic mode because the American people rejected their leftist agenda — and them.

  • PBS’s David Brooks, the fake conservative who also opines for the New York Times, complained two days before the election that “less educated” whites backed Trump, and “people are just going with their gene pool and whatever it is.” Had Brooks said that of blacks in 2008 — voting with their “gene pool” — he likely would have lost his job, but PBS is perfectly okay with tarring whites.
  • CNN contributor Van Jones, a radical leftist, whined that the Trump voters perpetrated a “white lash. This was a ‘white-lash’ against a changing country. It was a ‘white-lash’ against a black president, in part.”
  • MSNBC‘s Joy Reid retweeted a post that the popular vote “doesn’t matter when about half the country votes KKK.” She furthered the smear, tweeting “that there are many people who are at minimum, comfortable voting with David Duke and the alt-right.” She also described Trump’s win as “bringing neo-nazism in from the cold and giving it West Wing power.” Simply, Reid thinks half of U.S. voters support the Klan and are okay with Nazism.
  • Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne, who was wrong in every major campaign prediction he made about Trump, blamed “people of my gender, race and class — college-educated white men — for giving Trump his margin.” These “well-to-do white men chose to vote for a dangerous misogynist who demonized immigrants and people of color.” Got it, white guys? You all hate women and non-whites.
  • The NYT’s Paul Krugman blamed “racial prejudice and misogyny,” particularly among “white people, living in mainly rural areas.” For them, he railed, it’s “about blood and soil, about traditional patriarchy and racial hierarchy.”
  • … from the Hollywood pulpit, writer/producer Aaron Sorkin went full melodrama: “It wasn’t just Donald Trump who won last night — it was his supporters too. The Klan won last night. White nationalists. Sexists, racists and buffoons. Angry young white men … and misogynistic s—heads everywhere.”
  • After President-elect Donald Trump announced on Nov. 11 that his campaign CEO Steve Bannon would be his senior counselor and chief strategist in the White House, the liberal media proceeded to smear Bannon as a racist, white nationalist, and anti-Semite. … Over those same four days, the networks gave only 2 minutes of coverage — none of it negative — to Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), who is running to become the next head of the Democratic National Committee. Ellison, a Muslim, has defended the vile and anti-Semitic Nation of Islam, equated the 9/11 terrorist attacks with the rigged Reichstag fire in Nazi Germany, and received donations from people tied to the radical Muslim Brotherhood.
  • Hypocrites. … When Michelle Obama’s dress designer, Sophie Theallet (above), refused to design for Melania Trump the media applauded her. Yet the same liberal media chastised a Christian florist [Baronelle Stutzman] for refusing to make floral arrangements for a homosexual wedding, saying she was trying to “project your religious beliefs onto the behavior of others.”

  • Actor Michael Shannon told the “old people,” …”if you’re voting for Trump, it’s time for the urn,” and encouraged children of parents who voted for Trump to not go home for the holidays or to speak to them.

  • George Mason University’s Senior Assistant Director of Admissions Andrew Bunting wrote on his Facebook page that any person who opposes homosexual marriage and voted for Donald Trump is a “worthless piece of trash.” The networks and major newspapers, including The Washington Post, didn’t report it. Imagine if he had said that about Muslims.

Media Fail. … A Pew survey from November showed that nearly half of Americans did not trust the media’s coverage of the 2016 presidential campaign – 38% of those surveyed gave the media an “F” while only 22% gave them an “A” or “B.” Nineteen percent gave the media a “C” and 21% gave them a “D.” The failing grade was worse than during the 2004 campaign, when 16% of Americans gave the media an F, and the 2008 campaign when 24% of Americans gave the media an F. In 2012, the media scored an F from 26% of the population. When it came to Trump supporters in particular, 60% gave the press an F in 2016. This was “the first time a majority of any presidential candidate’s supporters has ‘failed’ the press for its campaign conduct,” said Pew. Clinton supporters, … gave them an A or B and only 15% gave them an F.

The January issue of Watchdog continued this review of outrageous media commentary and actions. Donald Trump’s historic victory triggered hysteria in the liberal media who were so in the tank for Hillary Clinton they didn’t know how to get out.

  • NBC’s Richard Engel remarked that “there were gasps around the world” and headlines such as “Trumpocalypse” and “Disunited States.”
  • CBS’s Lesley Stahl, nearly crying, frets, “A lot of people are afraid. They’re really afraid. African Americans think there’s a target on their back. Muslims are terrified.” Did they talk about or give credence to teh fear when Obama was elected? No, they demeaned it as racism!
  • Tom Friedman at the NYTs blared, “This is a moral 9/11, only 9/11 was done to us from the outside and we did this to ourselves.”
  • MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell lectured that American civilization was on the rise for 240 years but with Trump, “we turned down. That’s what you’re feeling. That’s what the decline of civilization feels like.”
  • City University journalism Prof. Jeff Jarvis moaned, “I fear that journalism is irredeemably broken, a failure. My profession failed to inform the public about the fascist they are electing.”
  • Slate’s Jamelle Bouie complained that Trump won “a campaign of racism and bigotry,” a “push-back against the advancement of African-Americans, of Hispanics, of women, of Muslim Americans.”
  • Late Night’s Stephen Colbert was anxiety-ridden, asking how “to avoid the apocalypse”
  • The Daily Show’s Trevor Noah confessed he was “officially s–ting my pants.”
  • HBO’s John Oliver, who had mocked Trump for a year, screamed, “How the f— did we get here and what the f—do we do now?”
  • Disgraced journalist Dan Rather was melodramatic: “History will demand to know which side were you on” because the “very fundamentals of our beautiful experiment in a pluralistic democracy” are in jeopardy.
  • Politico’s Julia Ioffe — who has since been fired for tweeting that Trump was f—ing his daughter Ivanka — told CNN’s Brian Stelter that America is “on the verge of something potentially awful” because Trump is the “chaos-sower in chief.
  • CNN’s Christine Amanpour warned, “journalism and democracy are in mortal peril.” She also trashed Trump-sters as people “angry enough to ignore the wholesale vulgarity of language, the sexual predatory behavior, the deep misogyny, the bigoted and insulting views.” (Amanpour never reports on Bill Clinton’s “deep misogyny” and sexually predatory behavior.)
  • The latest “fake news” from the New York Times, L.A. Times, and Washington Post is that Trump wants to build internment camps for U.S. Muslims like FDR did for Japanese Americans during WWII.
  • Citing no evidence, ESPN’s Max Kellerman strongly suggested that Donald Trump was at fault for the break-in at a football player’s house.

  • Esquire’s flaming leftist Charles Pierce called upon the Electoral College electors to bone up on Alexander Hamilton and vote against Trump to save the nation. … If enough electors say no to Trump, “as a strong and functional constitutional republic, we would withstand the lycanthropic yowling of the lunatic supporters of the president-elect”
  • Predictably, singer/songwriter Fiona Apple performed a revised version of “Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire,” singing instead, “Trump’s nuts roasting on an open fire.”
  • Media yawn. A radical Muslim terrorist exploded a suicide bomb on Sunday, Dec. 11 inside Cairo’s St. Peter and Paul’s Church, which killed 25 people and wounded 49, but the morning news shows on NBC and CNN didn’t mention it and CBS’s Sunday Morning gave it one sentence of coverage. ABC’s Good Morning America mentioned it in passing on Dec. 11 but did no follow-up reporting on Dec. 12.Instead, on that Monday, Dec. 12, NBC’s Today devoted 4 minutes to author Sara Gruen and her large quantity purchase of a popular children’s toy. Also, Good Morning America set aside nearly a minute to cover President Barack Obama and actor Bill Murray putting golf balls in the Oval Office. And they complain about “fake news”?
  • Wonder why no one heard about this shooting? From This Week, December 23-30, 2016: A police officer fatality shot an unarmed 73 year old man with dementia in Bakersfield in December, after responding to a 911 call from a neighbor who mistook the man’s wooden crucifix for a gun. No police overreaction, racism or racial motivations of the neighbor discussed either?

The media were and are hysterical about Mr. Trump’s election. They expected to control the result as usual, but they didn’t, so the hysteria continues. Selective censorship also continues. And the media hysteria and outrageous behavior cuts across every section of media.

Imagine if anyone said any of the above about a Democrat, liberal or leftist hot button issue!

Hypocrats! Democrat hypocrisy demonstrated in the media just like it is in the Democrat Party.

Put on your armor. Four more years of this.

So, keep these samples handy as a reminder of what Americans face every day when looking for honest ‘reporting’ on the days activities.

Vary your news sourcesAmerica!

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