Globalist Left Elites Applaud French Election Result as Chaos Lies Ahead

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from Breitbart,

The only certainty delivered by the French national elections is the sheer surprise and gloating delight of the globalist left elites at the chaos that lies ahead courtesy of a hung parliament and political paralysis.

With the left coalition failing to win an absolute majority in a National Assembly now split into three blocs, France faces legislative disfunction as the country awaits a new government just weeks before Paris hosts the Olympic Games.

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who has met likely French prime minister Jean-Luc Mélenchon personally, posted on X that French politicians had united against “extremism” by hastily forming a left-wing alliance.

He said this underscored the unity of “progressive forces,” something he claimed South Americans could “take inspiration from.”
The BBC reports former U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders applauded the French hard-left and communists on X for “taking on right-wing extremism and winning”.

As Breitbart News reported, the French election results confirmed the “alliance of dishonour” between President Emmanuel Macron and the far left effectively blocked the populist National Rally from gaining a majority despite the Le Pen party claiming the most votes.

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