The Media Skipped the Democrat Warning of Biden’s Mental Decline

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from Daily Signal,

As the Democrats struggle among themselves over President Joe Biden’s declining mental state and his declining poll numbers, it did not have to end up at this impasse. The Democrats and all their “mainstream” media enablers who claim they love democracy didn’t want any serious or rigorous primary challenge for Biden.

Is it possible that Democrats are still haunted by Ted Kennedy challenging President Jimmy Carter in 1980? The parallels between Carter and Biden on foreign fecklessness and domestic inflation are obvious.

After the disastrous debate, British journalist Katty Kay— a regular on Biden’s favorite “news” show, “Morning Joe”—tweeted something eye-opening. “Wondering what Dean Philips (sic) is thinking today. He complained that he couldn’t get traction in the press or in the primaries because the race wasn’t truly open. The incumbent had a lock on the system.”

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Yes, Rep. Phillips, D-Minn., whose entire rationale for his campaign was challenging Biden’s mental decline, was blocked by the incumbent and his press partners. The Republicans held five (Trump-less) debates, and the Democrats held zero. “Democratic” parties in the states obnoxiously refused to put Phillips on the ballot.

As Phillips complained, “How can Democrats say we’re fighting for democracy … yet removing me from the ballot in Florida and North Carolina? How can you say you are for free speech and protecting freedom and democracy and not even consent to doing one debate?” Even then, Bidenites were scared of debates.

So were the “news” networks. In February, former GOP chair Michael Steele interviewed Phillips on his show “The Weekend.” Steele was blunt: “The chairman in me says, ‘What the hell [are] you doing? And why are you doing it?’” Steele said the party chose Biden in 2020, and not Kamala Harris or Bernie Sanders. “So what makes you think after that—an incumbent president, Joe Biden’s not going anywhere. He’s not stepping down!” Phillips piped up: “Big mistake. Big, big mistake!”

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