Gaslight: 4 Times the Media Tried to Tell You Biden’s Health Wasn’t a Problem

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from Daily Signal,

The longtime media and Democratic Party gaslighting over President Joe Biden’s health decline has finally imploded.

The mask fully came off Thursday night as the narrative about Biden being A-OK collapsed in an excruciating 90-minute “debate” with former President Donald Trump.

By now, you’ve likely at least seen some video clips of it, so I won’t belabor the point. It was nothing less than a debacle for Biden and his Democratic allies. The Big Lie about the president’s health has been completely exposed, and it’s virtually impossible to hide that truth from the American people now.

One night changed a whole lot.

You could see in real time during the debate as the gears of the Democratic-media complex ground to a halt and reversed course.

There’s just no way to deny what everyone saw Thursday without a total loss of credibility.

here, for the record, is a quick retrospective on some notable media gaslighting incidents since the first of the year.

1. Joe Scarborough Says Biden’s Better Than Ever

MSNBC “Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough said in March that Biden has reached a final, magnificent form. Biden’s not just cogent, he said, but “intellectually, analytically” better than ever.

2. Paul Krugman: Democracy Too Important to Think About Biden’s Health

3. N.Y. Times Reporters: Video of Biden Looking Bad ‘Misleading’

4. AP ‘Fact Checks’ Biden’s Freeze at Fundraiser. “Biden paused amid cheers and applause as he exited the stage with his predecessor following an interview moderated by late-night host [Jimmy] Kimmel.”

There’s nothing remarkable about this. But it fails to debunk what people saw in the video. It’s just a careful, bland, but subtly misleading rewrite of a story to obscure what the actual controversy was.

If there’s a lesson to be learned with all this, it’s that the media will absolutely spin the most absurd narratives to ensure the Left remains in power.

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